
The Walk to Emmaus is a once in a lifetime experiences.  Once you have attended as a pilgrim, it is possible to serve in the background or on a team so that you can make the retreat possible for others.  Youth who have previously attended Chrysalis may serve on Chrysalis teams and also serve on Emmaus teams once they become older. Since we are all about the cultivation of Christian leaders, we have some basic requirements for attendance.

  1. you need to be a Christian1
  2. you need to be an active member of a local Christian congregation1
  3. you need to be sponsored by someone who has already attended an Emmaus or Chrysalis retreat.

To get involved in Emmaus, each person must have a sponsor who has already attended Emmaus or Chrysalis. If you have a friend who has been to Emmaus, ask your friend to tell you about his or her experience with the program. Your friend can help you decide whether or not you would find an Emmaus experience helpful. If no one from your local church has ever attended an Emmaus or Chrysalis retreat, just contact one of our Emmaus Board Members or Chrysalis Board Members. They will be happy to talk to you personally and help you in every way they can!

The Walk to Emmaus is not for everyone. Persons who are under tremendous stress or in crisis will probably not be able to enjoy the weekend properly. We believe that God helps to bring each person at exactly the right time into a deeper Christian commitment. So don’t worry about when your retreat will be. It will happen is God’s time!

We highly encourage married couples to seriously consider making application together. Retreats are always either all men or all women, so couples don’t attend at the same time. But retreats are planned so that couples can go on their retreats very close in time to each other. Single people are welcome too! We just try to work extra hard at making sure that couples grow closer together as a result of attending this spiritual retreat.

If you are up for a 72 hour time apart that will encourage you to become a stronger Christian, then the Delmarva Walk to Emmaus might just be a great choice for you and your family!

Applications can be downloaded on the forms page of this website.

1   The requirements for attendance are different for Chrysalis butterflies than for the Walk to Emmaus pilgrims.  Those who attend Chrysalis as a butterfly may not have a firm knowledge of being a Christian, and are not required to be a member of their congregation.


Join us for Hot Dogs and S’mores Saturday May 11th, 2024. You don’t have to have attended a weekend to come.  Meet the community in a relaxed environment!

Fall Chrysalis Weekends

SAVE THE DATE!! Girls Weekend is Oct 25-27, 2024 Boys Weekend is Nov 8-10, 2024